Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thomas' unit just went through a change of command and they had a BBQ for the new commander, so these are a couple pictures of Thomas at work :) I think this is the first time he's cooked (for the Army) in like a year. Well, I don't know if he actually even cooked for the BBQ, but he served....getting closer :) He's been VERY busy these past few weeks, with all his new jobs and getting ready for this BBQ, so I haven't talked to him as much as usual. Maybe things will start to slow down a bit soon. Enjoy!

He's just so darn handsome!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's so good to be loved....

My dearest love,
Ana and I decided to do another Valentine's picture for you. Have a great day and know that you're very loved (because this picture took a long time to get...she did NOT love the sign touching her). See you soon handsome. Stay SAFE!
Your girls

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To: My Love

Happy Valentine's Day my love. We're past the FOUR month mark! I love you with all my heart and cannot wait to see you handsome. Stay SAFE and have a great day. Ana has yet to learn how to use the camera to take pictures of mom, so your Valentine's picture is of her :)

all just to have the internet!!!!

All these cords are just to connect to the internet!!! The phone is on the other side. It's madness! Thank goodness Ana is NOT a cord chewer :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the happy couple

What are your middle names?
Noel and Clayton

How long have you been together?
Five years this June, but married three years this May!

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Six months I think.

Who asked who out?
He asked me out.

Who said I love you first?
He did.

How old are each of you?

Who's siblings do you see the most?
Hmmm...haven't seen any in over two years.

Do you have any children together?
Our beautiful Ana :)

Did you go to the same school?

Are you from the same hometown?

Who is the most sensitive?
He's a pretty great husband, so this would be close, but I think he wins.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Outback in the states, Tortugas here in Germany.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Who has the worst temper?

Who is the most social?

Who is the neat-freak?
Neat-freak??? I clean more, but I'm far from a neat freak!

Who is the most stubborn?

Who hogs the bed?
He does...and covers too!

Who wakes up earlier?
He does.

Where was your first date?
I have no idea.

Who has the bigger family?
I do by far!

Who do you spend the holidays with?
Each other.

Who is more jealous?
Jealous of what?

How long did it take to get serious?
What is serious? He was always gone...hahahaha.

Who sings better?
Eeeks....neither of us can sing.

Who’s better with the computer?
I use it WAY more, so probably me.

Who drives when you are together?
He does. He says, "it's a man's job."

Who picks where you go to dinner?
He usually does, but he picks Mexican a lot because he knows it's my favorite :)

Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
He does, but only to shut me up...hahaha...smart man :)

Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Um, we'll say him ;)

Who has more tattoos?
He does.

Who eats more sweets?
He does.

Who cries more?
I do.

Are you two still a couple?