Yesterday was my medical exam and it was not fun. It took a long time and boy was I glad to get outta there. After shots, drawing blood, ekg's, x-rays, hearing tests, a lot of poking, prodding, and "monkey tricks" I was more than ready to run out of that office. The doctor had me doing all sorts of crazy stunts in the office. He says the police station requires it but I think he just had fun watching me make a fool of myself.
Dr: "You can keep your close on for this part. Touch your toes."
Me: "OK." (Thank goodness my clothes could stay on!)
Dr: "Hop on one foot."
Me: "OK." (I hop in one place.)
Dr: "No, for distance."
Me: "Oh." (He did not make it clear that there was a wrong way to hop)
Dr: "Squat down and do a duck walk."
Me: "Hahahaha. Seriously?" (I oblige only because I really want this job.)
Dr: "Hmmm, what else, I know there's something else. Oh, walk heel-to-toe."
Me: "OK."
Dr: "That's all I can remember. You did good."
Those are what I call monkey tricks. I will admit I would rather do those all day than have my blood taken again.
Tomorrow I have to go back for the blood results and to have my arm checked where they gave me the TB shot. Then I head over to another location to get finger printed and sign my packet so it can be sent somewhere. I'm just along for the ride. The recruiter calls me and tells me where to go and when and I do it.
After tomorrow I have to wait until Monday for the psych. eval. We're leaving at like 3AM!!! Good thing I'm not drivin'!
In between all this craziness I'm having braces put on. Thursday the 18th I get spacers put in and Thursday the 25th I get the braces on.
After I get an official job offer from the Captain and sign we will be purchasing a new car! Stay tuned for details and pics.