Wednesday, September 1, 2010
E-5 promotable!!!
Thomas passed the E-6 board this morning!!!! That means he's promotable and will be getting promoted to E-6 as soon as he meets the point requirements. It will be very soon I'm sure :) He's movin' on up!!!!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
I'm not allowed to post pictures of me in uniform, so you'll just have to imagine what I looked like at the pinning ceremony. I looked pretty cool ;) I've been on the streets for two weeks now and it's AWESOME!!! I LOVE it. The poor people of Savannah have been getting tickets like CRAZY!!! Hahahaha. If I have to pay the outrageous $330 every year for the Mazda's car tag, then SO DO THEY!!! I HATE seeing people with expired tags. I know, everyone has a story (excuse) but if you can't afford it then DON'T DRIVE. Sympathy isn't my strong point obviously.
Anyways, just a tip if you ever decide to drive in Savannah..........I have one PTO that hates expired tags as much as I do and another that will write her own grandma a ticket for not wearing a seat belt! She says if she has to wear one then so do they. So don't get caught without your seat belt on here! She had me pull someone over for no seat belt and you better believe he got a ticket! I asked him why he wasn't wearing it when I pulled him over (because of course he had it on when I walked up to his car) and he said he was just going a couple blocks. He didn't argue though, he knew he was busted.
For those that don't know already, I work downtown. And for those that came to visit, that's where River Street is and where all the fountains are.
I wish I could say Thomas is enjoying his job as much as I'm enjoying mine, but I'm pretty sure I'd be lying. I actually don't have a clue what they've been doing all day since most of his unit's gone.
Well, today's my last day off and our fridge is empty so it's time for me to go shopping!
Hope everyone is having fun and I'll try to show Thomas how to log in so he can start writing posts. I have showed him before but I think he needs written directions ;)
Anyways, just a tip if you ever decide to drive in Savannah..........I have one PTO that hates expired tags as much as I do and another that will write her own grandma a ticket for not wearing a seat belt! She says if she has to wear one then so do they. So don't get caught without your seat belt on here! She had me pull someone over for no seat belt and you better believe he got a ticket! I asked him why he wasn't wearing it when I pulled him over (because of course he had it on when I walked up to his car) and he said he was just going a couple blocks. He didn't argue though, he knew he was busted.
For those that don't know already, I work downtown. And for those that came to visit, that's where River Street is and where all the fountains are.
I wish I could say Thomas is enjoying his job as much as I'm enjoying mine, but I'm pretty sure I'd be lying. I actually don't have a clue what they've been doing all day since most of his unit's gone.
Well, today's my last day off and our fridge is empty so it's time for me to go shopping!
Hope everyone is having fun and I'll try to show Thomas how to log in so he can start writing posts. I have showed him before but I think he needs written directions ;)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Hopefully most of you have heard by now that Thomas is still here! He found out about a week before he was scheduled to that he was one of the lucky few selected to stay behind because they had too many people deploying. He's on standby so he could deploy at any time during the next year, but hopefully it doesn't come to that.
I have two more weeks of patrol school and then I hit the streets. After I find out where I'll be working we plan on looking for a house to buy!!! Our lease is up this November and we would LOVE to be out of here by Christmas. We'll see if we can get things done that fast. When I sit down and think about it that's not much time to find, buy, and move into a house.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.
I have two more weeks of patrol school and then I hit the streets. After I find out where I'll be working we plan on looking for a house to buy!!! Our lease is up this November and we would LOVE to be out of here by Christmas. We'll see if we can get things done that fast. When I sit down and think about it that's not much time to find, buy, and move into a house.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
catching up
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thank you
Wow, I had no idea so many people read this thing. Apparently there are some pretty cranky people out there expecting posts.
Thank you to all who came out for graduation. I had so much fun! It's official now, I did it! Today is my first day of patrol school and I leave in 20 minutes.
We have tons of pictures to post so hopefully Thomas uploads those today. He's busy making airport runs today so I don't know if he'll get around to it.
It has been a very busy three months and I'm sure my husband is glad it's over....even though he'll be leaving next week :( I've managed to stay so busy I haven't thought about him leaving. It still doesn't seem real that he could already be going back.
There will be no more 16 hour study groups on the weekend so I should have plenty of time to post on the weekends. I can't wait for you guys to see some pictures of what's been going on over the past few months.
We now have a SGT. Clendening and an Officer out!
Thank you to all who came out for graduation. I had so much fun! It's official now, I did it! Today is my first day of patrol school and I leave in 20 minutes.
We have tons of pictures to post so hopefully Thomas uploads those today. He's busy making airport runs today so I don't know if he'll get around to it.
It has been a very busy three months and I'm sure my husband is glad it's over....even though he'll be leaving next week :( I've managed to stay so busy I haven't thought about him leaving. It still doesn't seem real that he could already be going back.
There will be no more 16 hour study groups on the weekend so I should have plenty of time to post on the weekends. I can't wait for you guys to see some pictures of what's been going on over the past few months.
We now have a SGT. Clendening and an Officer out!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Life is busy....very busy. Thomas is finally home, I passed firearms, we celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary, and Thomas is already starting his pre-deployment stuff. It's been crazy around here.
If I'm not sleeping I'm either at school or studying for a test. I'm in the 7th week, so only 5 to go.
Thomas has been home for a couple weeks now and it's been wonderful. He's been getting off early and helping out SOOO much around the house. He made dinner for our anniversary and it was delicious.
It's been four years already. How can that be possible? It feels like just yesterday that I was living at home and going to Green River.
Boy am I glad to be done with firearms though. My hands and right arm were so sore by day 3. We were out there for over a week. I have a heck of a farmer's tan and a few blisters on my right hand, but it was fun. This week is defensive tactics. Oh ya, and Friday is when we get pepper sprayed. Needless to say.....I'm scared.
Normally I wouldn't have time to get on the computer on a work night, but Thomas just got called back to base. Apparently some equipment came up missing so they did a 100% recall of all the soldiers and no one can leave until the equipment is found. Last time this happened I heard soldiers were out there for TWO days!!! Hopefully it doesn't come to that. He was less than thrilled to get that text.
We are very excited to see everyone next month. I will send out an email about the specifics (to those coming) but I'll throw a few "warnings" out now. First of all, please don't wear shorts and flip flops to graduation. It's not a black tie event, but it is a professional setting. Slacks and a button up shirt/blouse will be fine. The ceremony is indoors so you don't have to worry about the heat. Second, it's already beyond bring COOL clothes. We plan on walking around downtown and on Tybee Island a lot, so if you can't walk in flip flops I would bring tennis shoes. Third, we plan to have a BBQ at the pool after graduation so if you want to swim bring a swimming suit! Those are the three big things that I can remember. If you have any specific questions just email or text us.
We have lots of new pictures from our trip to the beach this weekend but I'm too lazy to find the camera right now. I'll ask Thomas to download them so I can make another post.
If I'm not sleeping I'm either at school or studying for a test. I'm in the 7th week, so only 5 to go.
Thomas has been home for a couple weeks now and it's been wonderful. He's been getting off early and helping out SOOO much around the house. He made dinner for our anniversary and it was delicious.
It's been four years already. How can that be possible? It feels like just yesterday that I was living at home and going to Green River.
Boy am I glad to be done with firearms though. My hands and right arm were so sore by day 3. We were out there for over a week. I have a heck of a farmer's tan and a few blisters on my right hand, but it was fun. This week is defensive tactics. Oh ya, and Friday is when we get pepper sprayed. Needless to say.....I'm scared.
Normally I wouldn't have time to get on the computer on a work night, but Thomas just got called back to base. Apparently some equipment came up missing so they did a 100% recall of all the soldiers and no one can leave until the equipment is found. Last time this happened I heard soldiers were out there for TWO days!!! Hopefully it doesn't come to that. He was less than thrilled to get that text.
We are very excited to see everyone next month. I will send out an email about the specifics (to those coming) but I'll throw a few "warnings" out now. First of all, please don't wear shorts and flip flops to graduation. It's not a black tie event, but it is a professional setting. Slacks and a button up shirt/blouse will be fine. The ceremony is indoors so you don't have to worry about the heat. Second, it's already beyond bring COOL clothes. We plan on walking around downtown and on Tybee Island a lot, so if you can't walk in flip flops I would bring tennis shoes. Third, we plan to have a BBQ at the pool after graduation so if you want to swim bring a swimming suit! Those are the three big things that I can remember. If you have any specific questions just email or text us.
We have lots of new pictures from our trip to the beach this weekend but I'm too lazy to find the camera right now. I'll ask Thomas to download them so I can make another post.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I passed EVOC! One big hurdle down. Evoc is the driving portion of the police academy. It was intense but I killed it. There is a written and three driving tests. You get four attempts at each driving event and I passed on the first go around :) We had to do skids, braking, and a cone course. For skids we had to get up speed and drive through a pad that had tons of sprinklers and then they locked the back brakes to induces skids and we had to recover. To pass you had to recover 8/10 skids. I got all 8 without skidding out once. For the brake portion you had a very short "runway" to get up to 35 miles per hour, then once you were THREE feet from the orange cones a red light would come on, you had to SLAM on the brakes like your life dependened on it, steer to the left around the cones and pull it back in and park in a parking spot. It was something straight out of a movie! I can now be a stunt driver ;) The cone course (which failed two people) was an insane obstacle course that had parking, backing down switch backs, figure eights, and all that junk. You had to do it between 2:45 and 3:45 minutes and you couldn't hit a single cone. I did it in about 3:15 and was the first one to pass (because I was the second person to go on each event). We lost one of our own yesterday from Metro :( He couldn't get the cone course down. It was a sad ride home. Two additional people failed the written so the class is slowly getting smaller. Monday we start firearms. I'm WAY more nervous for that then I was for EVOC. We did a lot more at EVOC but I have to get to class so I'll write about that later.
MY HUBBY COMES HOME TODAY. He'll be home when I get home from class. Ana and I are SUPER excited!!!!
P.S. My spell checker is snoozing right now, so please excuse the mistakes. Thanks she says.
MY HUBBY COMES HOME TODAY. He'll be home when I get home from class. Ana and I are SUPER excited!!!!
P.S. My spell checker is snoozing right now, so please excuse the mistakes. Thanks she says.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I leave for EVOC tomorrow. I have to kennel Ana, which is going to be really sad. I won't be back until Wednesday night, so I probably won't be able to pick her up until Thursday after class. EVOC is the driving portion of the academy. We have to pass skids/spin outs, breaking, a cone course, and a written test. If you're done. We stay in dorms because the training facility we use is a few hours from here. It's on a prison campus so everything is done by prisoners. They clean the dorms (we have a locker for our stuff), they pick up the cones we knock over, they do the cooking/cleaning, and all the other crappy jobs. It should be pretty interesting.
Thomas got his phone back last night so we've been texting like usual this morning :)
So far I've passed 2/8 written tests and 1/8 practical tests. The practical test was yesterday and we had to process a crime scene. I won't get into detail about that....but our crime scene just so happened to be a sexual assault scene...which was a little gross.
Well, I better get going. I have a lot to do today. Cleaning, laundry, packing, cleaning Thomas' car for him, and everything else that needs to get done before he comes home.
20 days until our 4 year wedding anniversary!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
He's leaving me :(
Thomas leaves for his month of training in California this Saturday. I will be getting up at 3:15AM on my first day off to drop him off. I think Ana's going to miss him the most. All of this week he's been getting off right after morning PT, so she hasn't had to be home alone for more than an hour all week.
He came and ate lunch with us today. He showed up just as I was finishing up our first PT test. I came in 3rd place :) 2 guys in front of me and 3 guys and 1 girl behind me. I came in 2nd on both the push-ups and sit-ups. Things are lookin' good for me! I ran a 13:02 mile and half and I want to be at an 11:59 or better by the time I graduate the academy. That minute is a lot because I already feel like I could pass out :) It's SOOOOOOOOO hot here.
Well, I have to shower and get my swanky suit back on because we have "family night" tonight. There is only one other person with a spouse so it will just be Thomas and that guys wife. All the recruits have to go though because the Captain's coming to talk to us. We have to be there in an hour.
So far things are going great. Things I've learned.....
1) I do not like shining boots. It's HARD work. My arms get way too tired.
2) Marine's shine the heck out of their boots (we have a Marine recruit). I think I could see myself in his boots.
3) My stomach growls so loud the people sitting next to me can hear it.
As my fellow recruits learned today, I may be the smallest but I can hold my own. They don't have to worry about me!
He came and ate lunch with us today. He showed up just as I was finishing up our first PT test. I came in 3rd place :) 2 guys in front of me and 3 guys and 1 girl behind me. I came in 2nd on both the push-ups and sit-ups. Things are lookin' good for me! I ran a 13:02 mile and half and I want to be at an 11:59 or better by the time I graduate the academy. That minute is a lot because I already feel like I could pass out :) It's SOOOOOOOOO hot here.
Well, I have to shower and get my swanky suit back on because we have "family night" tonight. There is only one other person with a spouse so it will just be Thomas and that guys wife. All the recruits have to go though because the Captain's coming to talk to us. We have to be there in an hour.
So far things are going great. Things I've learned.....
1) I do not like shining boots. It's HARD work. My arms get way too tired.
2) Marine's shine the heck out of their boots (we have a Marine recruit). I think I could see myself in his boots.
3) My stomach growls so loud the people sitting next to me can hear it.
As my fellow recruits learned today, I may be the smallest but I can hold my own. They don't have to worry about me!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
culture shock
I'm in a bit of "culture shock" right now. I have not had an alarm wake me up for a couple years now and let me tell you, I had it gooooooooood. 5AM comes WAY too fast. How do you guys do it? Seriously! Granted, my days are extra long right now because we're trying to get set up, but I'm exhausted!
Today is my third day and although I LOVE it, I'm ready for the weekend ;)
I would not think that after only two days I could have hit so many road blocks. There are 6 other new recruits (from this police department) going to the academy with me and I am the only one that has had "issues" so far. Allow me to explain.
Yesterday we were issued our gear. We arrive at the Police station, go down to the basement, and are handed boots to try on. They take one look at me and say, "wow, you're kinda small." That was the beginning of what would be a LONG day of hearing that. End result, 6 recruits get new boots, 1 doesn't.
Next stop, the uniform place to get fitted for our pants. Similar story. 6 recruits get pants, 1 can't fit any :(
Employee: What size are you?
Me: I don't know, I don't buy men's clothes.
Employee: Try these (30 inch waste).
Me: I think these are too big, but OK.
I walk out of the dressing room looking ridiculous. By this time I'm the last one trying on pants so everyone is lined up watching me.
Employee (plus my two training officers): Hmmmmm.....
Training officer 1: Will they stay up?
Me: If I don't have to run, jump fences, or for the most part do any police duties.
Training officer 2: Lets try women's pants. Are you a 6 or an 8?
Me: Try a 2 or a 4.
Training officer 2: Damn. Forget that.
All of this would have been pretty funny if I wasn't STARVING hungry (aka.....getting even smaller) and if I didn't NEED these pants THAT day. We have to wear our uniforms today, no exceptions.
So, they finally found one pair of 28's and they had to order two more. So, I'll just be doing a lot of laundry until my other pants come in. I also got boots at that store, but they had to be authorized by the department because they were more money since they weren't issued by the departments stock room.
Don't even get me started on the vest!!!
I made it though.
Today is my third day and although I LOVE it, I'm ready for the weekend ;)
I would not think that after only two days I could have hit so many road blocks. There are 6 other new recruits (from this police department) going to the academy with me and I am the only one that has had "issues" so far. Allow me to explain.
Yesterday we were issued our gear. We arrive at the Police station, go down to the basement, and are handed boots to try on. They take one look at me and say, "wow, you're kinda small." That was the beginning of what would be a LONG day of hearing that. End result, 6 recruits get new boots, 1 doesn't.
Next stop, the uniform place to get fitted for our pants. Similar story. 6 recruits get pants, 1 can't fit any :(
Employee: What size are you?
Me: I don't know, I don't buy men's clothes.
Employee: Try these (30 inch waste).
Me: I think these are too big, but OK.
I walk out of the dressing room looking ridiculous. By this time I'm the last one trying on pants so everyone is lined up watching me.
Employee (plus my two training officers): Hmmmmm.....
Training officer 1: Will they stay up?
Me: If I don't have to run, jump fences, or for the most part do any police duties.
Training officer 2: Lets try women's pants. Are you a 6 or an 8?
Me: Try a 2 or a 4.
Training officer 2: Damn. Forget that.
All of this would have been pretty funny if I wasn't STARVING hungry (aka.....getting even smaller) and if I didn't NEED these pants THAT day. We have to wear our uniforms today, no exceptions.
So, they finally found one pair of 28's and they had to order two more. So, I'll just be doing a lot of laundry until my other pants come in. I also got boots at that store, but they had to be authorized by the department because they were more money since they weren't issued by the departments stock room.
Don't even get me started on the vest!!!
I made it though.
Friday, April 2, 2010
She loved it!
We found an island an hour and a half from our house that allows dogs, so we loaded up the car and hit the road. Ana ran straight for the water and went all the way in! She conquered those waves like a pro!!!
She loved the water, especially since it was over 80.
She looks so cute :)
Beach rules state that dogs must remain on a leash. Besides, we wouldn't have been able to catch her if she had been set free.
So refreshed.
I don't love the water as much, so this was the only time I held her leash.
We even got to watch dolphins! A few got really close to shore. If Thomas had been in the water he could have almost touched them. It was so much fun. This beach was a poor husband looks like a tomato :( He's so red it hurts just looking at him. We even slathered the sun block on. Our beach outings are on hold until his sun burn goes away.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
coming soon
Our new camera arrived! Thanks Dad. Pictures of our afternoon at the beach will be up soon. It's so wonderful living only 30 miles from the beach. It was 90 here in Savannah and 80 at the beach. Perfect weather.
I made a bet with Thomas (silly me). If he jumped in the water, and went all the way under, I would make him breakfast and secret kiss cookies tomorrow. I REALLY didn't think he'd do it because even though it was warm out the water felt cold. Well....I was wrong and as a result I'll be making his favorite sausage/egg/cheese on english muffins and cookies tomorrow.
We're also taking Ana to the beach tomorrow. There's a beach an hour from here that allows dogs so we're going to see how she likes it. I'm sure my slightly retarded daughter will not be too fond of water that chases her, but we'll have fun laughing at her. We'll be sure to take the camera. She may or may not hate us after tomorrow's trip ;)
I made a bet with Thomas (silly me). If he jumped in the water, and went all the way under, I would make him breakfast and secret kiss cookies tomorrow. I REALLY didn't think he'd do it because even though it was warm out the water felt cold. Well....I was wrong and as a result I'll be making his favorite sausage/egg/cheese on english muffins and cookies tomorrow.
We're also taking Ana to the beach tomorrow. There's a beach an hour from here that allows dogs so we're going to see how she likes it. I'm sure my slightly retarded daughter will not be too fond of water that chases her, but we'll have fun laughing at her. We'll be sure to take the camera. She may or may not hate us after tomorrow's trip ;)
not a joke
I realize that this is the worst day of the year to post any kind of news, but we found out today that the Army is not going to honor Thomas' dwell time. This means that he will be going back to Iraq in July, instead of October. Long story short, the Army reads it's rules to benefit themselves and even though it states in Thomas' contract that he did NOT sign a waiver (to waive his 12 months of dwell time) they don't care. He's NOT a happy camper. He leaves next week for a month of training in California so I have two months with him before he leaves again. I would NOT joke about this, but I'll post again tomorrow to assure you I'm dead serious. He will be leaving the first week in July. He should receive orders when he gets back from California.
I am 99% sure that my academy graduation is going to be June 25Th (Friday) and that is the weekend that a lot of family is going to come and visit. If you would like to see Thomas before he leaves I highly recommend that weekend because he's going to try to get a four day pass. That means if you flew in Thursday night, you could stay through Monday and he should have it off. We thought we had a lot more time than we do, but it's the Army.
I have an email with a list of hotels that are right across the street, so if you'd like that list just let me know and I can forward it to you.
Hopefully he's not too cranky to enjoy his last couple months with me. He tends to get understandably moody when they screw him like this. Maybe lots of days at the beach will cure the blues :)
On a much happier note: Happy day late birthday to Sara and happy birthday to my mom today!
I am 99% sure that my academy graduation is going to be June 25Th (Friday) and that is the weekend that a lot of family is going to come and visit. If you would like to see Thomas before he leaves I highly recommend that weekend because he's going to try to get a four day pass. That means if you flew in Thursday night, you could stay through Monday and he should have it off. We thought we had a lot more time than we do, but it's the Army.
I have an email with a list of hotels that are right across the street, so if you'd like that list just let me know and I can forward it to you.
Hopefully he's not too cranky to enjoy his last couple months with me. He tends to get understandably moody when they screw him like this. Maybe lots of days at the beach will cure the blues :)
On a much happier note: Happy day late birthday to Sara and happy birthday to my mom today!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
my trip to the orthodontist
Have you ever felt out of place? Like really out of place? This morning as I'm heading back to the waiting area at the orthodontist I realized I was at least 10-15 years older than every single patient in there. When did I become the old person in the room? Once I got over the "I'm the elephant in the room" awkwardness I then faced much more serious problems.
My mouth is WAY too small for my teeth. Duh....that's why they're crooked. I was supposed to have 8 metal spacers put over my back molars and only 3 would fit. Not good. And to make matters worse, those 3 spacers took over an hour to get on. They pounded and pulled while I bit and cringed, but nothing worked. Finally after three hours of holding my tongue to the roof of my mouth they said they would just have to wait for my teeth to start shifting before they added the other ones. THREE hours for them to figure this out. How long were they in college? I could have told them all this before I even sat in the chair.
By the time they finish I'm the last patient in there and my other ortho peeps were off to 2nd period. I was given instructions on when and how often to clean my teeth and what and how to eat. I am only supposed to use my right back side to eat (my left molars aren't secure yet) and I can't eat anything hard or sticky. I also can't bite into anything with my front teeth. She said if I wanted a hamburger I'd have to cut it into bite sized pieces. What? Who does that? That ruins the whole concept of a hamburger.
My list of foods to avoid...
ice (at least ice cream wasn't on this list...I would have died)
nuts (WHAT? I live off of these things for snacks)
popcorn (torture when Thomas eats a HUGE bowl of it)
bagels (??? don't get this one)
celery (no loss here)
finger nails (EWWWWWWW....really? This is FOOD?)
raw carrots (oh well, I'll live ;)
hard and chewy candy (the ONLY kind I love)
gum (I've never cared for it before but now that I'm told NO I want it...go figure)
pens and pencils (is this really a problem? I've never been that hungry!)
So, there you have it, braces are not the greatest idea I've ever had. Not to mention my teeth don't touch because one in the front catches on the bottom brace so I can't chew my food. I choked on a tomato at lunch and trying to eat lettuce is a joke. It took me half an hour to eat 15 crackers simply because I couldn't chew them. It's going to be so fun.
My mouth is WAY too small for my teeth. Duh....that's why they're crooked. I was supposed to have 8 metal spacers put over my back molars and only 3 would fit. Not good. And to make matters worse, those 3 spacers took over an hour to get on. They pounded and pulled while I bit and cringed, but nothing worked. Finally after three hours of holding my tongue to the roof of my mouth they said they would just have to wait for my teeth to start shifting before they added the other ones. THREE hours for them to figure this out. How long were they in college? I could have told them all this before I even sat in the chair.
By the time they finish I'm the last patient in there and my other ortho peeps were off to 2nd period. I was given instructions on when and how often to clean my teeth and what and how to eat. I am only supposed to use my right back side to eat (my left molars aren't secure yet) and I can't eat anything hard or sticky. I also can't bite into anything with my front teeth. She said if I wanted a hamburger I'd have to cut it into bite sized pieces. What? Who does that? That ruins the whole concept of a hamburger.
My list of foods to avoid...
ice (at least ice cream wasn't on this list...I would have died)
nuts (WHAT? I live off of these things for snacks)
popcorn (torture when Thomas eats a HUGE bowl of it)
bagels (??? don't get this one)
celery (no loss here)
finger nails (EWWWWWWW....really? This is FOOD?)
raw carrots (oh well, I'll live ;)
hard and chewy candy (the ONLY kind I love)
gum (I've never cared for it before but now that I'm told NO I want it...go figure)
pens and pencils (is this really a problem? I've never been that hungry!)
So, there you have it, braces are not the greatest idea I've ever had. Not to mention my teeth don't touch because one in the front catches on the bottom brace so I can't chew my food. I choked on a tomato at lunch and trying to eat lettuce is a joke. It took me half an hour to eat 15 crackers simply because I couldn't chew them. It's going to be so fun.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
new car!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Ana turns THREE!!!!
Happy birthday to the cutest pup in the world. On the agenda for the birthday girl?
1) A run with mom and dad.
2) Treats
3) A trip to PetSmart to pick out a new toy.
4) Lots of beauty sleep.
5) Scrambled eggs with dinner.
6) Ice cream from PetSmart for dessert.
7) Lots of belly scratching.
8) More sleep, it's hard bein' a cute pup.
dreams are coming true
I passed my psychological evaluation. It only took three hours of testing and interviewing but they cleared me. I had no idea there were so many ways to ask the same dang questions over and over and over and over again.
I was sick, running on two hours of sleep, had to get up at 2AM, and we didn't get back until almost 10PM. It was a rough day. I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep during the interview.....the couch was so comfy.
I was picked up by a handsome guy with flowers and a sweet card and one VERY excited dog. I got the greeting that Thomas always gets when he's been gone for what feels like days (to a dog).
I meet for my final interview with the Captain on Friday and should be signing then. Then as long as I pass the Academy I'll be an officer :) This time school will not only be paid for, but I'll be getting PAID to go! What a concept.
I will soon have a job!!!
I was sick, running on two hours of sleep, had to get up at 2AM, and we didn't get back until almost 10PM. It was a rough day. I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep during the interview.....the couch was so comfy.
I was picked up by a handsome guy with flowers and a sweet card and one VERY excited dog. I got the greeting that Thomas always gets when he's been gone for what feels like days (to a dog).
I meet for my final interview with the Captain on Friday and should be signing then. Then as long as I pass the Academy I'll be an officer :) This time school will not only be paid for, but I'll be getting PAID to go! What a concept.
I will soon have a job!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Doctors, braces, and a new car....
Yesterday was my medical exam and it was not fun. It took a long time and boy was I glad to get outta there. After shots, drawing blood, ekg's, x-rays, hearing tests, a lot of poking, prodding, and "monkey tricks" I was more than ready to run out of that office. The doctor had me doing all sorts of crazy stunts in the office. He says the police station requires it but I think he just had fun watching me make a fool of myself.
Dr: "You can keep your close on for this part. Touch your toes."
Me: "OK." (Thank goodness my clothes could stay on!)
Dr: "Hop on one foot."
Me: "OK." (I hop in one place.)
Dr: "No, for distance."
Me: "Oh." (He did not make it clear that there was a wrong way to hop)
Dr: "Squat down and do a duck walk."
Me: "Hahahaha. Seriously?" (I oblige only because I really want this job.)
Dr: "Hmmm, what else, I know there's something else. Oh, walk heel-to-toe."
Me: "OK."
Dr: "That's all I can remember. You did good."
Those are what I call monkey tricks. I will admit I would rather do those all day than have my blood taken again.
Tomorrow I have to go back for the blood results and to have my arm checked where they gave me the TB shot. Then I head over to another location to get finger printed and sign my packet so it can be sent somewhere. I'm just along for the ride. The recruiter calls me and tells me where to go and when and I do it.
After tomorrow I have to wait until Monday for the psych. eval. We're leaving at like 3AM!!! Good thing I'm not drivin'!
In between all this craziness I'm having braces put on. Thursday the 18th I get spacers put in and Thursday the 25th I get the braces on.
After I get an official job offer from the Captain and sign we will be purchasing a new car! Stay tuned for details and pics.
Dr: "You can keep your close on for this part. Touch your toes."
Me: "OK." (Thank goodness my clothes could stay on!)
Dr: "Hop on one foot."
Me: "OK." (I hop in one place.)
Dr: "No, for distance."
Me: "Oh." (He did not make it clear that there was a wrong way to hop)
Dr: "Squat down and do a duck walk."
Me: "Hahahaha. Seriously?" (I oblige only because I really want this job.)
Dr: "Hmmm, what else, I know there's something else. Oh, walk heel-to-toe."
Me: "OK."
Dr: "That's all I can remember. You did good."
Those are what I call monkey tricks. I will admit I would rather do those all day than have my blood taken again.
Tomorrow I have to go back for the blood results and to have my arm checked where they gave me the TB shot. Then I head over to another location to get finger printed and sign my packet so it can be sent somewhere. I'm just along for the ride. The recruiter calls me and tells me where to go and when and I do it.
After tomorrow I have to wait until Monday for the psych. eval. We're leaving at like 3AM!!! Good thing I'm not drivin'!
In between all this craziness I'm having braces put on. Thursday the 18th I get spacers put in and Thursday the 25th I get the braces on.
After I get an official job offer from the Captain and sign we will be purchasing a new car! Stay tuned for details and pics.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
he's home. camera broke.
Thomas made it home safely last night! He's taking me out for Mexican this afternoon to celebrate my almost-job :) He has the weekend off so I won't be on the computer or answering my phone ;) Hope there are no emergencies.
A new camera is on its way...hopefully. Right dad? After graduating from WSU I've received some pretty sweet graduation gifts. The new ipod that plays the radio from my mom (the only radio we have in our house since both of our stereos broke a couple moves ago) and a new camera that should be arriving soon.
Anyways, the final stages of this long hiring process should be over in a couple weeks. I have a medical exam this Monday and my psychological evaluation the Monday after that. As long as I pass both I'll meet with the Captain and have a real, grown-up job! Wish me luck because I am HORRIFIED at the mere thought of needles and they have to DRAW BLOOD. I think I might heart rate reaches 170 just thinking about it.
Have a great weekend!
A new camera is on its way...hopefully. Right dad? After graduating from WSU I've received some pretty sweet graduation gifts. The new ipod that plays the radio from my mom (the only radio we have in our house since both of our stereos broke a couple moves ago) and a new camera that should be arriving soon.
Anyways, the final stages of this long hiring process should be over in a couple weeks. I have a medical exam this Monday and my psychological evaluation the Monday after that. As long as I pass both I'll meet with the Captain and have a real, grown-up job! Wish me luck because I am HORRIFIED at the mere thought of needles and they have to DRAW BLOOD. I think I might heart rate reaches 170 just thinking about it.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
soooooo close
I signed a conditional offer of employment this morning!!! As long as I pass the medical screenings the Captain will offer me the job. They want me to start at the Academy April 5th!!! I'm of course SOOOOOOOOO excited and can't wait to sign the official offer from the Captain. Just a couple more hurdles.
Monday, March 1, 2010
it's coming along
The background investigator is coming to my house tomorrow! Things are moving along. Hopefully it's not too much longer before I have an answer....or a JOB offer :) He's already called all my personal references and jobs so I think this is the last part. Keep your fingers crossed!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
horrible blogger
I've been informed by a couple peeps that I'm slacking on the updates.
Thomas is in the field right now which means that absolutely NOTHING is going on. The time is just crawling by. He thinks he'll be home March 5th.
Still no word from the police department. They're still doing the background check. They have been calling my personal references, so at least progress is being made.
We took Ana to a dog park the weekend before Thomas left so here are some pictures of our baby.
She was so tired. Those big dogs are hard to keep up with!
Ana's a pro at making new friends. It must be that cute face :)
(That's not Thomas) Ana is of course the short one ;)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
print, print, print, and print again....
I've been filling out job applications and one is VERY long. I had to print so many pages over again, due to little mistakes, that I think I may need more ink.
Spending money on a printer is not nearly as cool as spending money on a new camera, but it had to be done since the new camera isn't likely to get me a job.
Bad news- I have yet to workout today, do the laundry, clean the bathroom, or pick up the house.
Good news-I'm done with said job application (except for one line....waiting on info. from someone).
Better news- Thomas is home in time to watch the Pro Bowl with Ana and I!
Best news- Thomas is taking a much needed shower so Ana and I won't have to smell him during the Pro Bowl :)
Spending money on a printer is not nearly as cool as spending money on a new camera, but it had to be done since the new camera isn't likely to get me a job.
Bad news- I have yet to workout today, do the laundry, clean the bathroom, or pick up the house.
Good news-I'm done with said job application (except for one line....waiting on info. from someone).
Better news- Thomas is home in time to watch the Pro Bowl with Ana and I!
Best news- Thomas is taking a much needed shower so Ana and I won't have to smell him during the Pro Bowl :)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
why I love staying home
I get to play with her all day long!
Who wouldn't want to do that?
On the housewife list today:
-iron uniforms
-clean bathroom
-put clean laundry away...worst job you want to come do it for me?
-run (maybe walk if I'm lazy)
-shower at some point
-snuggle with Ana
-make paninis and sweet potato fries for dinner
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
wish list
Is it too early to write a letter to Santa?
I want a nice camera for Christmas. Or my birthday.
I have two lovely peeps out in the living room that I'd love to share with you but our camera doesn't take the greatest pictures. Especially not without a lot of natural light.
I would also like a house.
My own house.
Does Santa bring jobs too? Because I really need one of those.
A new car to get to said job would be a plus too.
I hope Santa is rich. I really want a lot of stuff this year.
Does he perform miracles? Because my husband not deploying for a third time would be a HUGE plus.
What else....
OK, that will do for now. Until I get bored and start online "shopping," then the list will grow considerably.
I wonder if I have any super rich relatives out there?
Gone through the list.
I want a nice camera for Christmas. Or my birthday.
I have two lovely peeps out in the living room that I'd love to share with you but our camera doesn't take the greatest pictures. Especially not without a lot of natural light.
I would also like a house.
My own house.
Does Santa bring jobs too? Because I really need one of those.
A new car to get to said job would be a plus too.
I hope Santa is rich. I really want a lot of stuff this year.
Does he perform miracles? Because my husband not deploying for a third time would be a HUGE plus.
What else....
OK, that will do for now. Until I get bored and start online "shopping," then the list will grow considerably.
I wonder if I have any super rich relatives out there?
Gone through the list.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
monday's dessert
My small but productive kitchen has done it yet again. It produced some very delicious chocolate chip oatmeal cookies last night. I haven't seen my poor husband for more than a couple hours a day for over a week now so I figured he could use a little cheering up.
(The other 2/3 went with Thomas)
(9:30AM-one cookie down)
Friday, January 22, 2010
I feel I need to be more clear about our kitchen. Yes, it's true that it may not be anything fancy to look at but that does not mean that magic does not happen in there. Something wonderful comes out of that little kitchen every day. Just last night I was served a delicious plate of Chicken Marsala...mmmmmm. So don't let looks deceive you because some very yummy, freshly baked cookies will be coming out of that kitchen very soon :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
a word from Ana
Dear Savannah Drivers,
My mom and I would really appreciate if you didn't drive on the sidewalks and golf course. We understand that the road is floaded but you really make a mess of my walking area. Sidewalks are for walking, not driving. I am really short and it is really hard for me to navigate through all that mud. It would be greatly appreciated if you would stay on the road because my mom yells at me when I get muddy. Apparently she doesn't like muddy floors. Thank you very much.
My mom and I would really appreciate if you didn't drive on the sidewalks and golf course. We understand that the road is floaded but you really make a mess of my walking area. Sidewalks are for walking, not driving. I am really short and it is really hard for me to navigate through all that mud. It would be greatly appreciated if you would stay on the road because my mom yells at me when I get muddy. Apparently she doesn't like muddy floors. Thank you very much.
P.S. This is me....see how close I am to the ground? We don't all have a cool set of wheels to cruise around in.
my little helper
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
We're back!
So much to post. Our apartment is mostly organized (as good as it's going to get) so I'll start there. Our office doubles as storage so I will not be posting pictures of that, it's not cute at all. My goal is to post a little something every day because it helps me to appreciate the little things.
Our new beautiful display case that we're using to house our books
After almost four years of marriage we finally purchased our very first TV stand. We love it. We bought it at the same place we bought the display case.
I love the details on them both.
Our living room. Ana is in this picture. She's hiding under the blanket. She thinks every couch, bed, and blanket we have belongs to her.
Our mantel. From left to right is a vase (below) filled with hand painted napkin rings from the Black Forest in Germany, a wedding picture, a little bowl I bought in Japan (filled with candy for my darling), candles, a decorative mug brought back from Morocco by my friend in Germany, another wedding picture, tea can, and a vase we bought on our vacation in Arizona. We have a cultured mantel.
The beautiful napkin holders.
Kitchen. Nothing fancy.
Our loft/bedroom. Again, I don't bother to make our bed so don't be shocked.
The jewelry holder I bought in Italy.
The cutest peeps in the world.
Updates after pictures.
I'll take pictures from the outside later and hopefully post them tomorrow.
1) Thomas will only be in the dfac until next month. His unit is deploying this July so they're going to begin training. Thomas will be training with them which means a lot of time away from home :( He'll be in the field here at Ft. Stewart for a month, then in California for a month. He does not have orders yet but everyone has told him he will get his dwell time (1 year from his last deployment) so they won't send him until September 22nd of this year. Not great news, but we were expecting it. His unit is going back to Iraq. Note from a military wife: NEVER believe politicians or the news. Just a helpfil tip.
2) I will be sort of looking for a job when Thomas leaves for the field next month. I'll have the car so I'm going to head out and see what I can find. I will be getting a job when he deploys for sure but until then I'm going to hold out in hopes that I can find something I really like. If I find something right away then I'll take it but Thomas would rather have me why fight that? :)
3) Ana is as lazy and cute as ever. She doesn't love the heat, she practically dies on our runs, and she does not know what to think of the birds that are bigger than her.
4) Ana and I found our first gator skin a couple weeks ago.
5) Thomas threw Ana to the gators on accident :( I would have killed him if she had gotten eaten. We went to a park and there was a pond and neither of us thought about the fact that gators might be in there so he threw her off the dock. We walk further down and read a sign that said "OK TO WATCH ALLIGATORS BUT PLEASE DO NOT FEED." Needless to say I freaked and we left! Talk about a close call. Poor little Ana. She was almost gator lunch.
6) Thomas golfed for the first time this weekend. We won't mention scores ;) To his credit it has been like three years since he's golfed. I haven't lost my mad golf cart driving skills though.
7) We went to the ocean but it was freezing. Beautiful, but way too windy this time of year.
I think that's about it. We've been relaxing and enjoying the fact that we finally have couches to sit on and a bed to sleep in.
Hope everyone is doing well. As soon as Thomas downloads the pictures off his camera I will finish our Italy posts.
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