I went to my dear friend Carmen's house this weekend and scored some major loot!!!
My new sunflower themed kitchen. I lOVE it!!!
My favorite piece out of all. An old fashioned coffee grider from Poland.
These sunflower roosters crack me up. The liquid pours out of their beaks.
A wonderfully LARGE cake platter that my darling husband says he can't wait to "put to good use." I've been looking for a covered cake platter for three years. Who knew my kitchen dreams would come true in Carmen's garage?!?!?!
We also went shopping while I was there and I couldn't resist. I bought this cute set of mini cutting boards that will be perfect for cheese and crackers. I eat a TON of cheese. Also scored some delicious Bruschetta!!!
The car was PACKED with goodies :) She's moving :( to Florida in a couple weeks (so I'll soon be close by) and lucky for me.....they're over their weight allowance. As a result, I came home with TONS of kitchen stuff.
I made off like a bandit! Thank you guys so much!!! Along with what's pictured above, I made off with a few beautiful serving sets, a fondue set, bathroom set, a sunflower tea set, clothes, and a couple coolers (can never have too many coolers). I will miss you guys so much.....but we will be visiting soon!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful 4th. I ate delicious food and watched fireworks with the Fernandez's, then at midnight we ate my cheese cake :) See you guys in a couple weeks for the big move.
Heather and Ana (who's very tired from too much sun)