Sunday, January 31, 2010

print, print, print, and print again....

I've been filling out job applications and one is VERY long. I had to print so many pages over again, due to little mistakes, that I think I may need more ink.

Spending money on a printer is not nearly as cool as spending money on a new camera, but it had to be done since the new camera isn't likely to get me a job.

Bad news- I have yet to workout today, do the laundry, clean the bathroom, or pick up the house.

Good news-I'm done with said job application (except for one line....waiting on info. from someone).

Better news- Thomas is home in time to watch the Pro Bowl with Ana and I!

Best news- Thomas is taking a much needed shower so Ana and I won't have to smell him during the Pro Bowl :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

why I love staying home

I get to play with her all day long! Who wouldn't want to do that?

Even if she does think I'm crazy.

On the housewife list today:
-iron uniforms
-clean bathroom
-put clean laundry away...worst job you want to come do it for me?
-run (maybe walk if I'm lazy)
-shower at some point
-snuggle with Ana
-make paninis and sweet potato fries for dinner

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

wish list

Is it too early to write a letter to Santa?


I want a nice camera for Christmas. Or my birthday.

I have two lovely peeps out in the living room that I'd love to share with you but our camera doesn't take the greatest pictures. Especially not without a lot of natural light.

I would also like a house.

My own house.

Does Santa bring jobs too? Because I really need one of those.

A new car to get to said job would be a plus too.

I hope Santa is rich. I really want a lot of stuff this year.

Does he perform miracles? Because my husband not deploying for a third time would be a HUGE plus.

What else....

OK, that will do for now. Until I get bored and start online "shopping," then the list will grow considerably.

I wonder if I have any super rich relatives out there?


Gone through the list.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

monday's dessert

My small but productive kitchen has done it yet again. It produced some very delicious chocolate chip oatmeal cookies last night. I haven't seen my poor husband for more than a couple hours a day for over a week now so I figured he could use a little cheering up.

(The other 2/3 went with Thomas)

(9:30AM-one cookie down)

Friday, January 22, 2010


I feel I need to be more clear about our kitchen. Yes, it's true that it may not be anything fancy to look at but that does not mean that magic does not happen in there. Something wonderful comes out of that little kitchen every day. Just last night I was served a delicious plate of Chicken Marsala...mmmmmm. So don't let looks deceive you because some very yummy, freshly baked cookies will be coming out of that kitchen very soon :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


As soon as you open our front door you're greated by a steep flight of stairs. Movers love them, Ana can't get enough of them, and they're terrific when you have $100 worth of groceries to carry up :)
That's our front door, but our apartment is on the second floor. No one lives in the apartment below, at least not right now. I'm sure it will be filled soon. This place is packed with military peeps.
This is a view from the sidewalk (where Ana complained it was too muddy) looking across the golf course (hole 7 I believe) to our apartments. All the grass turned brown a couple weeks ago when we had that unusual cold spell. It was beautiful when we first got here. Now they have to spray paint the "greens" green...hahaha.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

a word from Ana

Dear Savannah Drivers,

My mom and I would really appreciate if you didn't drive on the sidewalks and golf course. We understand that the road is floaded but you really make a mess of my walking area. Sidewalks are for walking, not driving. I am really short and it is really hard for me to navigate through all that mud. It would be greatly appreciated if you would stay on the road because my mom yells at me when I get muddy. Apparently she doesn't like muddy floors. Thank you very much.
See the mess you make!?!?

P.S. This is me....see how close I am to the ground? We don't all have a cool set of wheels to cruise around in.

my little helper

She sits on the office chair with me, her head on the desk, and helps me blog. She's my proof reader, so if there are typos you'll have to take it up with the editor. Sometimes sleeping is more important than editing, so mistakes are bound to pop up.
Enjoy your Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We're back!

So much to post. Our apartment is mostly organized (as good as it's going to get) so I'll start there. Our office doubles as storage so I will not be posting pictures of that, it's not cute at all. My goal is to post a little something every day because it helps me to appreciate the little things.

Updates after pictures.

Our new beautiful display case that we're using to house our booksAfter almost four years of marriage we finally purchased our very first TV stand. We love it. We bought it at the same place we bought the display case. I love the details on them both.Our living room. Ana is in this picture. She's hiding under the blanket. She thinks every couch, bed, and blanket we have belongs to her.Our mantel. From left to right is a vase (below) filled with hand painted napkin rings from the Black Forest in Germany, a wedding picture, a little bowl I bought in Japan (filled with candy for my darling), candles, a decorative mug brought back from Morocco by my friend in Germany, another wedding picture, tea can, and a vase we bought on our vacation in Arizona. We have a cultured mantel.The beautiful napkin holders.Kitchen. Nothing fancy. Our loft/bedroom. Again, I don't bother to make our bed so don't be shocked.The jewelry holder I bought in Italy. The cutest peeps in the world.

I'll take pictures from the outside later and hopefully post them tomorrow.


1) Thomas will only be in the dfac until next month. His unit is deploying this July so they're going to begin training. Thomas will be training with them which means a lot of time away from home :( He'll be in the field here at Ft. Stewart for a month, then in California for a month. He does not have orders yet but everyone has told him he will get his dwell time (1 year from his last deployment) so they won't send him until September 22nd of this year. Not great news, but we were expecting it. His unit is going back to Iraq. Note from a military wife: NEVER believe politicians or the news. Just a helpfil tip.

2) I will be sort of looking for a job when Thomas leaves for the field next month. I'll have the car so I'm going to head out and see what I can find. I will be getting a job when he deploys for sure but until then I'm going to hold out in hopes that I can find something I really like. If I find something right away then I'll take it but Thomas would rather have me why fight that? :)
3) Ana is as lazy and cute as ever. She doesn't love the heat, she practically dies on our runs, and she does not know what to think of the birds that are bigger than her.

4) Ana and I found our first gator skin a couple weeks ago.

5) Thomas threw Ana to the gators on accident :( I would have killed him if she had gotten eaten. We went to a park and there was a pond and neither of us thought about the fact that gators might be in there so he threw her off the dock. We walk further down and read a sign that said "OK TO WATCH ALLIGATORS BUT PLEASE DO NOT FEED." Needless to say I freaked and we left! Talk about a close call. Poor little Ana. She was almost gator lunch.

6) Thomas golfed for the first time this weekend. We won't mention scores ;) To his credit it has been like three years since he's golfed. I haven't lost my mad golf cart driving skills though.

7) We went to the ocean but it was freezing. Beautiful, but way too windy this time of year.

I think that's about it. We've been relaxing and enjoying the fact that we finally have couches to sit on and a bed to sleep in.

Hope everyone is doing well. As soon as Thomas downloads the pictures off his camera I will finish our Italy posts.

