Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cute as ever!

Thomas has finally sent some more pictures! Hope you guys enjoy. Workin' hard :) In his room.

At work...somewhere...maybe on the MKT...AGAIN.
The MKT (Mobilized Kitchen Trailer) or as I call it, the "portable cooker." He spends crazy amounts of hours working on this thing....and I have NO idea's SOOOO small.

She loves the snow!!!

Ana and I played in the snow this morning for a long time. She is beyond tired now and will be sleeping (snoring) until dinner time!

She runs SUPER fast....she eats LOTS of snow....she looks extremely cute.....and then begs to go in.This is what happens to mom's pants!Time to rest now :) On a side note, Ana had tons of fun yesterday with her new friend Trixie. Giving Trixie lots of kisses :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Ana and I woke up this SNOW!!!!!!!!!

Come on mom, let me go, I'll be good......
I'll only eat white snow, promise....Hahaha, sucka....catch me if you can :)
It's still snowing, so I'm expecting a lot more snow :) We're going to have lots of fun this Christmas.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's almost here :)

This morning while eating breakfast I decided it was time to start decorating. I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I couldn't wait a day longer. I love decorating for the holidays. Sadly, there are still many decorations still in boxes because our tree is a little on the small side this year.

Tree will be staying on kitchen table because ANA LOVES to eat the dirt :)
Our wineless wine rack sporting the beautiful snowflake ornaments Thomas bought me last year at the Christmas market in Mainz.

Our advent calendar will be stuffed with dog treats this year :) Ana is lovin' that!

Not a great picture, but this is the beautiful Christmas bouquet Thomas bought me last year.

Ana said she's being very good so Santa will bring lots of you better get on it Santa....p.s. she really wants a new frisbie this year!!!